Sunday, May 29, 2011

Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer is Truly Displeased about this Chinese/Japanese Conspiracy

Come inside my anus, all people of Google! Come now!

Forbes magazine reports that Chinese government is ruling Google behind the scenes. This is a secretive business like Freemasonry of the labor class.

Who's Really Running Google? in Forbes.

Before Google announced that the company would obey the Chinese government by censoring the results of some searches, senior executives knew they'd take heat from human-rights advocates for the decision....

The world must be coming to an end, now that the Buddhists and Hindu Huns are trying to get inside everybody's anus. So I offer myself. Leave the world, get inside my anus, all Buddhist and Hindu monks! Come today to University of Kassel, Germany! I offer myself free. Free! Just leave the world, take my anus buttock for free! Free. I am a sacrifice if you will. Come to me, leave the world, all Buddhist and Hindu monks. Come into me.


Prof. Christoph Scherrer